Unwired Planet, LLC v. Google Inc. No. 2015-1812 Fed. Cir. Nov. 21, 2016 Opinion by Circuit Judge Reyna with Circuit Judges Plager and Hughes.
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Court) found that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board relied on an incorrect definition of a covered business method (“CBM”) patent. The Court strictly applied the statutory language in vacating the Board’s decision and remanding the case to the Board. Google petitioned for CBM review of Unwired Planet’s U.S. Patent No. 7,203,752 (the “’752 patent”). As a threshold matter, the Board considered whether the ’752 patent is a CBM patent. Read more here.
Federal Bar member attorneys may access the full case summary by Barnwell Whaley attorney Bill Killough in the December 2016 issue of Federal Circuit Case Digest. https://www.fedcirbar.org/IntegralSource/Case-Digest
Additionally, the full opinion may be read here.
B.C. “Bill” Killough is a registered patent attorney with Barnwell Whaley law firm with offices in Charleston, SC and Wilmington, NC. On behalf of his clients, Bill has obtained more than 275 United States patents, participated in prosecuting more than 100 foreign patent applications and he has filed more than 1000 trademark applications with the US Patent and Trademark Offices.
Patent image from google patents.